Where to start when choosing a pediatric fellowship position

Before you even begin thinking about starting your application to new open pediatric fellowship positions, you’ve got to make sure you’re in the right frame of mind. After the many exhaustive years of training you’ve already undergone, it is easy to think you’re ready to commit to a particular subspecialty, but it is important to remember how crucial this choice is, and how this short-term decision can impact your long-term life goals.

There are a wide variety of pediatric subspecialties to choose from, and it all has to do with your skill set, your comfort with the particular demands of the subspecialty, as well as the short and long-term financial returns.

Pediatric neurology

Pediatric neurology is an excellent choice for the ambitious doctor, as it fills a growing need that exists within the US and the rest of the world. The hours can be particularly long within this subspecialty, but the compensation comes in the form of a rewarding lifestyle, through service to their patients, community service, advocacy and scholarly activities.

Pediatric pulmonary medicine

If you have a special interest in respiratory disorders, looking for a program in pediatric pulmonary medicine might be the right choice for you. As a pulmonary specialist, you will have the option of opening a general clinical practice, or focusing on the care of a smaller subset of patients. What is perhaps most rewarding about this field is the ability to form long-term relationships with patients, due to the nature of many respiratory diseases.

Pediatric rheumatology

To get the most access to academically challenging cases as a pediatrician, rheumatology is the way to go. Most pediatric rheumatologists work in an academic setting, and spend their time transferring scientific advancements into practical applications, and are able to find constant stimulation in the intellectual nature of their work. This subspecialty requires a three year fellowship.

These are only a few of the wide variety of options out there, but hopefully this can serve as a useful starting point for beginning your journey in any of the many pediatric subspecialties. Open fellowship positions are abound, and it is up to you to find the perfect fit!

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