How to be professional during your medical fellowship

If you’re soon going to fill one of the open medical fellowship programs, you’ll want to make the best impression from day one. Fellowships can be launch pads into the rest of your medical career, so presenting yourself in a professional manner is critical. Here are seven keys to being professional during your medical fellowship.

1. Confidence: know you used the best website to sort through open fellowship positions and made the best choice. Carry this confidence that you did your due diligence into the doctor’s office, because you know you’re where you belong.

2. Look sharp: always wear the appropriate clothes and make sure they are spotless. Check the mirror and check it again before heading to work and again when you arrive.

3. Be early: if you aim to be on time, then you risk being late, which is never acceptable. So set your alarm for a few minutes earlier to reduce your potential stress and be on time.

4. Never gossip: spreading rumors is one of the worst things you can do in a professional setting. Respect all your colleagues and supervisors. If you have an issue with someone, discuss it with that individual directly.

5. Do your own research: medical fellowship programs can be very taxing, but find a couple of extra hours during the week to review recent research in your field of practice. Sharing this with supervisors and colleagues shows you are excited about your medical practice and go above and beyond.

6. Block social media: when you are working, you are not scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media website. Doing so is a sign of disrespect for your patients, supervisor and fellowship position.

7. Positive attitude: from the minute you arrive, exude a vibe that says you love what you do. This is especially important when dealing with patients that may be hurting and frustrated.

There are still many unfilled 2015 fellowship positions. With these tips to being as professional as possible, you’ll be one of the best candidates to fill a premier open medical fellowship position.

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