Questions to consider when searching for an open fellowship position

So you’ve finished your MD, and are looking for open fellowship positions where you will get paid, on-the-job training. You are an expert at helping theoretical people with theoretical problems, but now you need to learn how to help real people with real problems.

A good fellowship program will have you working with practicing researchers and doctors who are invested in your success.

What you learn as a fellow will determine your career path, so be sure to carefully investigate a variety of fellowship programs to find the one that is best for you. The following are some things to consider when looking for a suitable fellowship program.

Research opportunities

Some fellowships focus purely on research, and you will learn how to publish research articles in peer-reviewed journals. If you are wanting to gain research experience during your fellowship, ask your program which journals past fellows have published in, and consider contacting those fellows.

Ask them open-ended questions, such as: can you describe the role you did in the research? Were other fellows part of the research team, or were you working with practicing research physicians? Also consider contacting the researchers you would be working with to evaluate what your role would be, and to see how committed they are to your success.


If your goal is a fellowship designed for medical practitioners, you will likely be working in a more intensive position, such as in a critical care unit. The hours in these are notoriously demanding, and their quality will depend on the experienced doctors who will be mentoring you.

The two most common types of practitioner fellowships are in pulmonary/critical care and hematology/oncology. Ask current mentors and fellows about their work, and their typical day in the fellowship.


Most fellowships offer sufficient pay to cover living and travel expenses, but the main form of benefit is the on-the-job training, so fully investigate the training you will be getting in the fellowship.

Also consider asking where past fellows have ended up working. This will give you an idea of where you’ll be able to work after completing your fellowship.


Are there any conferences that fellows are encouraged to attend? These provide opportunities for networking with other professionals, and the connections you make at them will serve you throughout your professional life.

As you investigate each fellowship opening in our database, consider these topics and remember to ask lots of questions. Asking detailed questions will help you stand out in the selection process and show you are a committed candidate.

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