National organizations involved with US medical fellowships

If you’re looking for an open fellowship position in 2015, there are a few organizations you should be familiar with. They will help you in the fellowship process and in your future medical career.

They will not, however, help you to find unfilled fellowship positions – that’s where we come in:

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

This is the body responsible for accrediting most graduate-level medical fellowships and residencies in the United States. Its goal is to improve healthcare nationwide by promoting quality fellowship and residency programs. It is comprised of five member organizations including the American Medical Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges.

ACGME maintains a number of databases that help you to research fellowship programs you are interested in, and provides further resources you can use during your fellowship.

The organization also carries out annual surveys for fellows and faculty members, in order to ensure they maintain high standards of education and care. You can expect to receive such a survey during your fellowship.

American Medical Association

The AMA publishes FREIDA, a database of residency and fellowship programs in the US. It lists information provided by participating programs in annual surveys. It does not list unfilled positions, however.

National Residency Matching Program

The NRMP is a private organization that matches applicants with suitable residency programs. It was created by five organizations including the AMA as a way to improve the residency filling process in the US. It also matches residents with suitable fellowship programs. It does not list unfilled positions.

Open Fellowship positions

Our organization fulfills a similar mission to NRMP, more commonly known as the Match. Unlike the Match or any other programs listed, we match fellowship applicants with unfilled fellowship positions. You can use the resources listed to find more information about our unfilled positions, but they will not help you to locate these open positions.

We maintain a comprehensive list of unfilled fellowship positions, and are constantly searching for new ones. We also liaise with other organizations and individual programs to maintain a fully updated list.

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